"My Two Boys Love Dance Studio C especially the Hip Hop class and Rumble Tumble" - Mike G.
Beginning Level
Open to all students that would like to begin training in tumbling and floor gymnastics. No prerequisite for beginning levels. Although tumbling can and is used across a wide range of sports (dance, cheerleading, acrobatics and gymnastics just to name a few), we use it as a tool to create better dancers. Tumbling (or floor gymnastics) increases strength, speed, agility, balance and coordination and will help your child whether they are in ballet or football. With our studio's award winning dance background we also maintain a strong focus of correct form, and performance. Other studios push students to do tricks and stunts quickly, but they fail to create a solid base of strength and good form. Many students that come to us after this type of instruction have to be re-trained with correct form. At Dance Studio C, our students are taught correct form and technique from day one.
Basic skills that will be taught include hand stands, cartwheels, round offs, back bends, kick overs and front/back limbers.
Basic skills that will be taught include hand stands, cartwheels, round offs, back bends, kick overs and front/back limbers.
Level III/IV
Level III/IV Students are working on: front and back walkovers with light spot and their back handspring. During this class they will learn how to master backhand springs without a spot and ariels.
Level IV/V
Level IV/V Students should have their backhand spring and ariels mastered without a spot. During this class they will learn how to master round-off backhand spring, round-off back tuck, round-off back layout, and front ariels.
Level V+
Students should have, without a spot, round-off backhand spring, round-off back tuck, round-off back layout, and front ariels. During this class they will learn how to master standing back tucks, standing front tuck, half twist, and full twist.